Hila and Omari Ronan Seventies wedding

Hila and Omari Ronan decided to produce a seventies-style wedding. The wedding area was all decorated with the beautiful Volkswagens of the production company - Vantasia, which painted the wedding in happy and cheerful colors, just like in the seventies. The amazing Guy Mazig played with his band, geese walked for them on the grass among the guests, DJ - Ofri Gopher started a crazy party. The dress code was also identified with the wedding concept. For me it was an amazing experience, photographing such an elaborate and special wedding, the main thing of which is - two really good friends of mine are getting married and I get to photograph them. A moment of great happiness for me.

Make-up: Gali Griffle Dress: Lilium Vintage Wedding Dresses | and are: and Anthesia events | DJ: Ofri Gofer Band: Guy Mazig Production: White Events

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